Find out how to manage time at work effectively with Microsoft Outlook.
These 3 tips are very useful for managers and leaders.
Transcript: 3 Tips to Manage Time at Work Effectively with Microsoft Outlook for Managers
These three Microsoft Outlook functions can easily save few hours every month to use them to boost your work productivity. I’m in my Microsoft Outlook the first thing I’m going to show you is called the quick steps so let’s go into the settings and show you how to set it up so click on the settings right over here and then view all Outlook settings go to the mail okay and here the quick steps so let’s go into the quick steps and see how to set it up.
Now the beauty about Quick Step is it will helps you to apply a certain rules that you use frequently let’s say for example you always need to forward this to a few of your key people so let me show you how to do that so let’s say you want to have a new Quick Step just click right over here and then you can call it any names right so let’s put it like okay this is a test yeah and choose an action click over here and you can see all these actions that you can choose from which is the action you frequently do and you can see that there’s a few add another action.
Let’s say if you want to always forward this email maybe to three of your key people all you can do is that right over here so meaning that every time you click this quick step it will helps you to forward okay forward two and then you can keep all the recipients right if you have three key people that you want to send to automatically you can key in their three so-called email right over here.
So after that you want to add another options so what you can do is that you can see here there’s a lot of other actions so what you can do is that if you want to move this to a special folder you can click move to and then choose the subfolder that you want to move to or here let’s say I want to create a task so that I can follow out so all you need is just create a task right over here okay so after you’ve done all this all you need is just click save because I didn’t key in any email so it doesn’t allow me to click so let me discard it because I already created one right over here with the quick key or Ctrl shift number five.
Right now let me show you how it works so let me go back to my email let’s say I take one of this email and then if you want to do that you can click right over here you can see Quick Step number one which I already created you can click on here or you can use the Ctrl shift 5 let’s click here and see boom now it automatically goes to my Microsoft to do which is my task manager over here okay and create that so you can click here and you can see here it created this the same email right okay and it was sent to this email that I already created earlier so all we need is a click Send and it will automatically send to that email okay and it will create this task as well for you all this is just one click so how great is that.
Right now these are the only two steps if you have multiple steps then you can do all that together with one click so it will totally split up your workflow okay let me know whether this is helpful for you but always remember this is only for you to apply for one particular message now let me go to the next functions that will help you to apply across all emails that you receive.
So let’s go click on the setting again yeah view all Outlook settings and then go to the mail and this one is called rules so click on the rules and you can click add new rules okay so you can hear number one whatever name you want to call it and then add a condition you see so when someone you can see that every time when you receive yeah uh condition makes it wrong maybe from your boss okay and then when the boss sent to you what action you want to do you want to move this to a subfolder.
Okay you can create a subfolder or create a new folder right over here called boss yeah so you can do that and you can do other actions like Mark with importance or pin to the top so that you notice them right or you just want these rules to happen when you’re on vacation meaning that you can also move forward this to someone who takes over your job during your vacations.
This is very useful for you to apply email rules across the board is not just for one email so which is different from the quick steps now once you have the rules you can turn it on or you can turn it off if you want to use this rule during your vacation then you turn it on when you’re on vacation right if you want to apply all the time then you just turn it on okay so it’s very easy that you can click this button on and off now in today’s world use all this automation to help you sort out your information and speed up all your work all you need to do is set some time to set all these rules up and it will be helpful and save you a lot of time later on.
Now if you have questions about all these rules or how to set just leave a comment right below and I will help to answer your questions now if you and your team would like to have a customized training on all this Automation in Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft team just leave a comments or contact us and we’re designing a customized program to help you and your team to boost your productivity now let’s look at the next tip which is my favorite okay so just I told you that if you have your Microsoft to do and Link it to your Outlook account right and what can do is then right click over here you can actually see your Microsoft to do.
Okay and let me show you one of my favorite is that for example when you receive an email and you do not have time to take action on that let’s say you receive an email Okay click on here and then you do not have time to go over the email now what I usually do is to create that or use this email to become a task in my Microsoft to do and it’s very simple all you need to do is that just flag it.
Then in your Microsoft to do as long as you set it up right in your Microsoft to do click here and then in the list find flag emails right click here flagged emails and you can see here right the email is right over here inside my Microsoft to do you can click it the email and then it will come up the email right so it means that if your phone has this Microsoft to do and always refer back to my phone Microsoft to do for all the tasks I need to do.
So what you can do is say just go in there or let me go in to show you in the Microsoft to do apps yeah so if you are in the Microsoft to do like right now I’m in my Microsoft to do you can see it here flat email you will see this okay this flag email and you can see here I can open in Outlook so one click I will open up in the Outlook so that it will save me time to go and find the email so have a look at this click here and it will open up my Outlook email so this is the message itself okay so I don’t have to go and find the email yeah and if I done this right all you need to just clear it.
It’s done so when I clear that and then let me go back to my email and you can see that there is a tick on the place of flag meaning that I have already done that so meaning that I once I pick it will show here in my email as well it will help remind you of me right for me he said I’m very forgetful so all I need is just click here flag and then it will turn down in my Microsoft to do.
Once I’m done review that email or I reply I’ll just click right I’ll just stick that in my Microsoft to do and it will shows in my Outlook that is already done yeah so now I hope these three tips helps you now Microsoft to do is another very useful tips if you’re not using that you can watch this video that I created earlier to help you speed up your task management now.
I hope these tips will help you to be able to speed up your work and it save you hours in a month right so that you can achieve more with less work now if you want to learn more about how to use all this Microsoft productivity tools to improve your work productivity do follow this Channel and my Andrew and I train a lot of corporate leaders managers how to improve their work productivity so if you like this video give us a thumbs up and here’s some of the other videos that I’ve created and these are the videos that helps others to improve the work productivity too and if you have other interests that you want to learn more just leave a comment right below and I’ll see you real soon in my next video.